We would like to inform YSDK, Pune devotees that all group meditation services in the month of March at the main Law College Road Kendra, Kalyani Nagar and Magarpatta Upa-Kendras as well as Sarovar Sadhanalaya, Khanapur have been cancelled as a precaution to prevent spreading of corona virus.
We however encourage devotees to participate in online group meditations. A schedule of services is available on the SRF Online Meditation Center website - srfonlinemeditation.org/calendar
We would also like to inform that the Law College Road Kendra will be open for individual meditation.
The timings are as follows:
Monday to Wednesday and Friday- 11 am to 5 pm
Thursday- 1 pm to 6 pm
Saturday- Kendra will not be open for individual meditation
Sunday- 1 pm to 6 pm