Change in March Services Schedule

We would like to inform YSDK, Pune devotees that all group meditation services in the month of March at the main Law College Road Kendra, Kalyani Nagar and Magarpatta Upa-Kendras as well as Sarovar Sadhanalaya, Khanapur have been cancelled as a precaution to prevent spreading of corona virus.

We however encourage devotees to participate in online group meditations. A schedule of services is available on the SRF Online Meditation Center website -

We would also like to inform that the Law College Road Kendra will be open for individual meditation.

The timings are as follows:

Monday to Wednesday and Friday- 11 am to 5 pm

Thursday- 1 pm to 6 pm

Saturday- Kendra will not be open for individual meditation

Sunday- 1 pm to 6 pm